Friday, August 03, 2007

Branches I am reasearching.

I thought I would give a little more information about what families I am working on.

Betz, mostly from Pennsylvania, the Columbia County area, back to about 1760.
Choate, from England in about 1600 to Massachusetts- Connecticut- Vermont- Michigan
Crosthwaite from Canada- mid 1800's to Michigan
Fletcher- from England in 1622- Massachusetts, Vermont, New York- Lenawee County, Michigan
Gilbert- New York 1805- Lenawee County Michigan
Goble -Ohio 1834- Indiana- Michigan (very little info) would love some more.
Hawley- from England about 1577-Connecticut-New York- Jackson County Michigan
Ohl, from Germany 1665- Columbia County PA 1785
Savage - New York 1813-Vermont-Michigan
Sales-(Seel) -New York1751-Michigan
Zentmeyer 1707- to Michigan -names and dates no locations.

If I can help you continue your search please contact me.

I also have some pictures on

Monday, April 09, 2007

Things I never knew-

I remember my great grandfather Hawley, (Sherman) as an old man with snow white hair. I seem to remember him smelling like pipe tobacco and he always wore a black cardigan sweater with big pockets where he kept his tobacco and hard candy (unwrapped). He'd pull out a piece of candy and give it to us, apparently the lint and pieces of tobacco didn't bother us, although I found out years later it made my mother cringe every time. He died when I was 8 years old. I knew that he lived on the farm in the big farm house in Liberty Township, and my grandmother, his daughter lived down the road in the little house. I always thought he always lived there.

A few months ago, while checking the census I found out that he lived in the city of Jackson, and worked in the automotive industry. His wife, Nettie, was listed as a boarding house keeper, and in the census it listed all of their children and several boarders.

That's one of the things I like about genealogy learning new things and getting to know family members I never even met.